Water Cooler Wisdom

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Location: NE Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Monday, August 08, 2005

Why The EU Is Failing

One of the main reasons the EU is losing traction is its oppressive over-regulatory nature. Here's a perfect example of how regulation is ruining one of the most time proven business practices - "cleavage + beer = Profit"...

Beer drinkers in Germany are frothing at the mouth over EU plans to make Bavarian barmaids cover up.The aim of the proposed EU directive is to protect them from the sun's harmful rays.

But the so-called "tan ban" has been condemned as absurd by breweries, politicians - and the barmaids. Bavarian barmaids typically wear a a costume known as a dirndl - a dress and apron with a tight, low-cut top enhanced by a short white blouse.

The Mayor of Munich, Christian Ude, said: "A waitress no longer allowed to wander around a beer garden in a plunging neckline - this is the EU at its most pedantic."

The comments on this SkyNews story indicate that public opinion is not on the side of the EU.

Idea for a new EU Directive: make all women cover up from head to foot in public.That would serve a dual purpose - appeasing the Islamic extremists and satisfying the Health and Safety fundamentalists all in one go. Chris, London

This is just more bureaucratic nonsense from the idiots in Brussels! And they wonder why so many people are rejecting European rule. Jim

One reader posed an interesting compromise having to do with high SPF suncreen and volunteerism...


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