Water Cooler Wisdom

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Location: NE Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Now That I've Escaped, How Do I Get Back In?

I'm a news junkie. Maybe not by blogger standards, but still I consume quite a bit. While at work, I primarily listen to talk radio on the headphones while pounding away at the keyboard. I typically read about 8 news/opinion sites and a dozen blogs daily and another dozen at least once a week. On average, I watch about 1/2 hour of TV news a day. Usually I feel really out of touch, odd and even anxious if I don't get my daily fix.

I have noticed that my addiction does not travel well. Whether it's vacation or a business trip such as the one I took last week, I completely unplug from the world. Sure, I had my laptop with to do some work, but not once did I connect to the internet, not even to check my personal or work email. I watched TV in my hotel room, but only a couple of comedy shows and a documentary -- no news. Other than a glance at the headlines and sports scores, I never cracked open a newspaper. It was extremely refreshing -- no political partisan sniping, no Middle East conflict, no child abductions, no death. Without a concious decision to do so, I found that I climbed over the walls and escaped from the world and into a peaceful ignorance.

After my trip, I had three days with Young Master Nordeaster. My focus was on him and we stuck to enjoying comedy and sporting events as well as general conversation. I am now five days on the outside -- and getting very used to it. Maybe it's burn-out, maybe it's fatalism creeping in vis a vis the lack of ability to really influence events. Whatever the reason, I'm finding hard to get back into the game. I don't care about blogging, reading blogs or even reading the headlines on cnn.com. I really don't care how many cars Muslims burn in France or if they ever find Natalie Holloway's killer(s) or how the Senate voted on Iraq resolution whatever they talked about yesterday that didn't sound good.

My focus has turned more to the micro issues. I do care that my roof makes it through the winter without severe ice damming and that my ginger-cranberry glazed pork loin turned out extremely tasty. I care that my kid had very positive school conferences and that he drives safely. I care that my latest work project goes well. It's not a funk. I'm quite happy. It's just a simple escape. Sometimes the best vacations involve no travel at all. I know that eventually the macro issues will capture my interest, that I'll feel hollow without them, but for now I'm enjoying living on the lamb from the larger world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frightening, isn't it, yet somewhat comforting to a live somewhat un-coexistently with reality. I opine that many, if not all of us do this when we leave our daily bubble for someplace else. Perhaps so as not to mark up our destinations with the engravings of reality.

We look back years later and we can say "Yes, that was a good trip, the weather was awesome, we ate at Rocco's, shopped on 5th, and saw a great off-broadway spit starring Nathan Lane." Instead of "Yes, my jaunt to New York was when Princess Di(ed), my stocks bit the big one, Cheney anounced his lesbo daughter, and the price of gas raped me without dinner." We dont carry those memories in our photo albums.

Are we instrinsically wired subconsciously to want to escape the daily blah? Yes. But like an addict, when the hangover passes and you identify your surroundings, you are back craving the same shockingly unironic news the media forces you to swallow at every chance you get. Think about it. Did you not once secretly wish to see someone jumping from the world trade center on live TV when you were attached to the screen for 9 hours? Why is there "extensive team coverage" at a plane crash with multiple photogs salivating at every nonidentifiable piece of clothing, the lost shoe, and someone's luggage? Isnt "Flight 312 crashed in the Peruvian jungle" enough?

How many movies, tv programs, books, news reports exist solely without conflict? More an more we desire the NC17/R rating than G. When was the last time the news reported "No drugs were traded on Franklin Avenue today, the Johnson's were thrilled they are pregnant since they are married, and Phil helped Bob remove a stump in his yard"?! BORING!!!!

And regardless of the current happenings, HBO would surely not have their AWARD WINNING (ie enough people watched and loved it) series "Autopsy" now entitled "Autopsy 10". We all love the dirty nasty secrets reality feeds us. As much as we want to look away from the horrors of life, we still only cover one eye.

Welcome back.

11/19/2005 12:20 PM  
Blogger W.B. Picklesworth said...


You must feel very blessed by your life. It sounds like you have reason to. Rejoin the melee when you get a bug in your pants. Until then, enjoy your life. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

11/25/2005 2:31 PM  

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