Water Cooler Wisdom

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Location: NE Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Another Mass Grave In Iraq

Construction workers laying a water pipeline in the Iraqi city of Karbala Monday found a mass grave containing the remains of up to 20 people, police in the southern city of Hilla told CNN.

The gruesome find was about 800 meters (half a mile) from the holy shrine of Imam Hussein.
The grave is believed to contain the bodies of people killed by Saddam Hussein's security forces during the uprising of 1991.


"Hundreds of lawyers from around the world have volunteered to defend Saddam, most from Arab countries."

And one nut-job former U.S. Attorney General


Blogger Fire Wings said...

Flashback-- Remember Saddam's interview with Dan Rather? Saddam said he would never comply with the UN Resolutions. Saddam is basically saying he has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and has no remorse.

How can you look at the families going to the mass graves, looking for some trace of a loved one, and say there are no WMD in Iraq?

UNSCR 688 - April 5, 1991

"Condemns" repression of Iraqi civilian population, "the consequences of which threaten international peace and security."

Iraq must immediately end repression of its civilian population.

Iraq must allow immediate access to international humanitarian organizations to those in need of assistance.


12/31/2005 1:00 PM  

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