Water Cooler Wisdom

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Location: NE Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Monday, December 19, 2005

God First, Footballer Second

In a survey of 2,500 British 10 year olds, Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney, finished second in a poll asking who was "the world's most famous person". Rooney's second place ranking put him just ahead of Jesus, but behind God. Fourth on the list was another footballer, David Beckham who edged out The Queen. The rest of the list was as follows: 6. Harry Potter, 7. Beyonce, 8. Father Christmas, 9. Robbie Williams, 10. Simon Cowell.

The survey also found that becoming rich is the top priority in life for today's children. Becoming famous came in 2nd.

Kids were also asked to name their biggest dislike in the survey - with the majority citing "drunk people". Smoking is the second dislike, followed by litter, graffiti and war.

With all the anti-war press in England, I'm surprised that war came in 5th on the list of dislikes. Also, with such high marks for footballers and Beyonce edging Father Christmas, I wonder if the survey skewed towards boys.


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