Water Cooler Wisdom

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Location: NE Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Friday, July 07, 2006

48 Tonne Joyride & Rusty Nails In the Stomach

I'm starting to dig out from under the workload, but still don't have much time for an in-depth post. Here's are a couple of Friday news of the lighter side...

A 19-year-old has admitted taking a 48-tonne locomotive on a 40-minute joyride around a marshalling yard. Daniel Matthews, an engineering student from Rawmarsh, South Yorkshire, was ordered to do 200 hours community service for taking the train without consent.

A district judge at Rotherham Magistrates Court heard how Matthews and a friend took a shunting engine and drove it around the yard at Tinley, near Sheffield, stopping from time to time to change the points.

The court was told that Matthews was so competent at driving the train that he was only discovered because a security guard realised he was not wearing regulation railway clothing. Matthews started the engine with a spanner - a procedure which a police officer later described as "very difficult".

And from Vietnam a "kids, don't try this at home" story. This is not the way to get more iron in your diet...

Doctors have removed 119 rusty nails from a mentally ill woman's stomach.

The 43-year-old turned up at a hospital in Vietnam complaining of chronic stomach ache. When doctors investigated they found dozens of nails in the woman's gut.

The nails were rusty, indicating they had been swallowed months ago. "After having her stomach X-rayed and scanned, we found a stack of strange objects and decided to operate as soon as possible," said Dr Tran Van Nam said from Can Tho City.

The nails were 7cm-8cms long. They had scratched the woman's stomach but did not cause any life threatening injuries.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

story #1 - was this dude such the loser he didnt know anyone with a vette to drive?

story #2 - per the, "xrayed and scanned" part, I assuming it was a CT or she'd have more piercings than the homeless 16 yr olds in uptown.

have a day.

7/08/2006 7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to report that they captured Daniel Matthews by following his tracks.

7/12/2006 3:07 PM  
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