Water Cooler Wisdom

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Location: NE Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. --Albert Einstein

Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Busy Week, But A Good Week

It's been another one of those weeks where work and personal commitments have had to take priority over blogging. It has been a very good week, though.

I had a terrific time at the Irish Fair with Young Master Nordeaster and his two friends. I should go into specifics, but suffice it to say that it is a real blessing when your teenager selects good friends. Flogging Molly was great, but they did have a "Shut Up and Sing Moment" complete with a two handed single finger salute to President Bush. I understand most artists are going to relate to the left side of the political spectrum, but I would prefer to be in ignorant bliss rather than hear their disrepect first hand. It would be so much easier if I liked country music instead.

Young Master Nordeaster also had his 17th birthday a few days ago. It's tough to buy gifts for boys that age, but I managed to hit a home run and a couple of RBI doubles this year. The big home run -- black leather Chuck Taylor's.

Since he just turned 17, Young Master Nordeaster was also excited for his next right of passage (which are far too frequent lately). Last night he insisted on buying tickets to the "The Great Raid". He approached the window with cash in one hand and ID in the other, in anticipation of being carded. I stood off in the wings to allow him his moment. He returned looking completely deflated. He relayed that after placing his request he even prompted the clerk "don't you want to see my ID, it's rated R?" The clerks words were a curt "I don't care". Total unfulfillment. I imagine the feeling was much like the first time I ordered a beer and the bartender saw no reason to ask me for my ID.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were so right about the Great Raid.
Hell of a movie, and the acting was supreme.
Amazing to think that the rescue team figured they were going to die trying and they did it anyway.
The bravery is stunning.

8/22/2005 8:41 AM  

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