Everyone in the MOB (
The Elder) seems to be doing their own version of
Mpls/StPaul Magazine's hipster survey. Well dangit, I want to be a hipster, too (which is probably very unhip).
Where do you live? NE Mpls
With whom? Myself and with my son every other weekend plus some.
What’s your coffeehouse/coffeeshop? The coffee maker in the office breakroom-- $.25/mug. Occasionally, the Caribou by work or Audobon near my house.
What’s your Sunday breakfast spot? My kitchen. I've really been into frittatas lately.
What do you drive? 2003 Subaru Legacy Sedan that still has a W'04 sticker on the bumper.
What sites do you surf for news? To many to mention. For credible news, anything that didn't start as an AP story, (or CBS, CNN, BBC, ABC, NBC, MSNBC).
What’s the first thing you read in the Strib? The what? Is that the paper with the spoof stories like the Onion, only not funny (expect for Nick Coleman's parody of a frothing leftist columnist). I usually just skip to the sports scores & standings, if I read it at all.
What’s on your morning drive dial? AM1280, KQRS, KFAN, might give the new 100.3 am show a try.
When not in town, where are you? An occasional work trip -- most recently Philly/Willmington.
Who’s your local band/musician? I love the Suburbs, Soul Asylum wasn't bad. Have there been any since then?
Where do you have season tickets? None, but would love Gopher Hockey tickets. In fact I think I'll go put myself on the waiting list after this post.
What’s your apparel store? I have never worn apparel. I do have clothes. I don't have A store. I hit so many -- Kohl's, Penney's, Eddie Bauer outlet, too bad Mervyn's is gone. Might do Men's Warehouse for the fancy stuff.
Where’s your favorite “go to” place that always seems to have just the right thing? You can get pretty much everything at Target, although I've started going to Wal-Mart once in a while lately.
Where do you get take-out? Totino's on Central in NE. Home made ravioli that is inexpensive and true comfort food.
What’s your bakery? Don't do it much, but Sara Jane's on Johnson St. NE.
Where do you mall? Do you mean maul? I maul the English language every day on this website.
Where are you on a Friday night? Usually home watching Gopher Hockey and maybe a late night sci-fi or horror movie.
Where’s your gallery(s)? Does Bill's Gun Shop and Range count (shooting gallery?). If you mean art gallery, the only thing more annoying than art galleries are artists. I pass.
Who cuts your hair? Where? Whomever is working the Great Clips in my area when I walk in. The last lady, Roisha, did a great job. Hope she's there next time.
What are you really uptight about? Leftists and egotistic "hipsters".
What’s your substance of choice? Why a question about substance when this survey is clearly the antithesis of substance.
What subjects are you a total geek over? Chatting with my son, cooking, eating good food, politics, economics, WWII history, philosophic discussions, old sci-fi and horror movies, hockey, football. There's probably more.
Where do you refuel? One of the two Stop 'N Go's on Johnson street. Occasionally, Holiday or EZ Stop.
What’s your date night? A what night?
What’s the most you’ve paid for a concert ticket? Probably around 28 dollars, $89 with the ticketmaster charges.
When you’re at your naughtiest, you... I don't remember. About the naughtiest I get is over-indulging on good food and drink.
What’s your beauty/grooming thing? I have to confess, I do use hair gel or pomade, but I will never, never, never refer to it as "product".
What’s your workout? Where? Walking around the neighborhood, occasional dumbell curls and presses at home. In the summer, add yardwork and occasional in-line skating.
Who (or what’s) the service provider you can’t live without? Time Warner Cable (TV and Internet).
What’s your favorite night? Any night the Gopher Hockey team wins.
What’s the next performance you’ll attend? The WCHA playoffs.
What’s an arts organization you support? None, but if there is one out there focused on improving arts quality by culling the quantity of artists, I might send a check.
What’s your nightcap? Beer before liquor, never been sicker, liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
Where’s the afterparty? In bed, either sleeping or watching an old movie. Even when I was young I didn't do afterparties.
What’s your favorite restaurant for:
• food? Carmello's, Snelling & St. Clair
• quality? Carmello's, Snelling & St. Clair
• late night? White Castle
• scene? If a restaurant had a scene, I wouldn't go. I want to pay for quality food and service, not a "scene." Although sometimes it's fun to watch people make a scene at a restaurant.
• impress your date? My what? If I had a date, I'd be the one that would be impressed, or at least surprised.
• impress your client? Best client dinner in town was burgers and kabobs on the patio at The Joint (next to the Cabooze).
Who’s your favorite Twin Citian? My friend Molly. If you mean someone famous, the news chick on channel 11 at 10:00pm is pretty hot.
Hear me now – X will be Y in 6 months. . .Sara Janacek will be off the air.