Captain Ed found
this revealing story regarding a study done by the
American Center for Voting Rights on voter intimidation and voter fraud in the 2004 election. The
study found that...
...despite their heated rhetoric, paid Democrat operatives were far more involved in voter intimidation and suppression activities than were their Republican counterparts during the 2004 presidential election. Whether it was slashing tires on GOP get-out-the-vote vans in Milwaukee or court orders stopping the DNC from intimidating Republican volunteers in Florida, the evidence presented in this report shows that paid Democrat operatives were responsible for using the same tactics in 2004 that they routinely accuse Republicans of engaging in. Duh!
I worked as a poll challenger in Minneapolis on election day. In several locations, tables had to be moved on to legal locations outside restricted areas. I witnessed a van load of voters with Id's from all over the city being hauled into the polling area and had to let it slide because someone "vouched" for them. A person waving Kerry/Edwards sign was asked to leave the polling property.
Prior to the election I replaced numerous stolen or vandalized Bush signs, including my own. Working late nights at Bush HQ, I had the constant worry that our office would be vandalized or the workers assaulted as happened in 20 Bush HQ locations throughout the country.
Below are a few examples of the tolerance of the left (to see them all
view the whole report here):
September 2, 2004: Gun Shot Fired Into Huntington, WV, Republican Headquarters.
September 13, 2004: Swastika Drawn On Duluth, MN, Resident’s Lawn, Signs Also Defaced With Words “Nazi” And “Liar.”
September 16, 2004: Community College Professor In Florida Punched Republican County Chairman In Face.
October 5, 2004: Gun Shots Fired Into Knoxville, TN, Bush-Cheney ‘04 Office, Shattering Office’s Glass Front Doors.
October 22, 2004: Break-In Discovered At Flagstaff, AZ, Victory 2004 Headquarters. Perpetrators gained entry by throwing a cinder block through a plate glass window.D) Intimidating And Misleading Phone Calls To GOP Volunteers Made By President Bill Clinton And DNC General Counsel Joe Sandler In FloridaVoter fraud has been a part of the Democrat game plan for a long time. For a brief accounting of this history check out
Hugh Hewitt's book "If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat."
Waiting for Jimmy Carter's and MSM's outrage....
The American Center for Voting Rights appears to take a fairly even handed approach to voter fraud, though there is little background on the organization (founded Feb '05). Incidents from both sides are cited. The site is worth checking out. I'll be going back periodically.
UPDATE: Some questions have been raised as to the independence of this organization. I'll wait until the smoke clears to update that further. See CQ (link above) or
The Moderate Voice for more on that. All of the cases of fraud and/or intimidation in the study are documented. The question is that there may be sins of omission on the Republican side (though several incidents or complaints are listed).
UPDATE II: Mark F. "Thor" Hearne, one of the two directors of ACVR is on Michael Medved today 8/4/05. To me the cries of foul and bias seem largely unfounded. The ACVR has two directors, one with a history in the Republican Party the other with a history in the Democrat Party. Mr. Hearne states that the organization employees people with various political leanings and receives funding from a variety of sources (no disclosure of sources or percentages). As I stated, the incidents cited in the report are well documented and the recommendations are for the most part, very solid. I of course have my own bias in this area, read it for yourself.
Still waiting for the outrage from Jimmy Carter and the MSM....